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/B/ - Boredom

find some time to do something
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Open for business

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This cover was long overdue. I saved the lyrics back when they got posted in mid-October. I kept the "shemmy" theme out of respect for whoever made the parody- it probably came from a chinny user. Needless to say pretty ironic in retrospective. THOUGH we all knew both sites were gonna go up and vanish sooner than later.
Godspeed lol. I *obviously* recorded this in a single take just now, did not think about it too much and TBH it does not deserve much thought either.


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Good cover.
I'm still kinda erked that people blame me for the pedophile infestation and the redirect to the point where I want to start over again
I'll keep this thread up but don't use it as a basedsite please


Forgor to login


Thanks wulf.
I hope everyone finds what they're looking for.

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you're on the phone with the kino department. what do you say?


one kino please


can i get a kino on ice

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tyler the creator is a retarded nigger wtf is this site

5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


can you link me what irc this is?
please look at >>>/wolf/ for more context


forgot to login =


>can you link me what irc this is?
It's so obvious that it's you. Tyler the Creator is a dumb fucking NIGGER. And everyone, who likes rap needs to be hanged.


yes, because no one in the history of ever has tried to slander other people by impersonating them online.


The only reason I know it is happening is because they messaged one of my mods
I wouldn't use the name scar anymore and I wouldn't shill using a KiwiFarms (I think that's what irc it is) because I don't want it to be a basedsite
Im already setting up Google adds I don't need to be the equivalent of a door to door sails men on the KiwiFarms discord lmao

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Fed shirt that will get you arrested for hate speech


european award

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Emma the tranny, also known as business inquirer is a pedophile!


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i miss the days of not knowing emma was a pedophile


show proof kike


please get help go outside more and stop gooning on telegram 24/7 i feel really bad about you

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google adds will be online soonish!
i will also be looking into youtube sponsorships for the site


im nervous that we're going to have youtube niggers infect this site. are we still going to be able to say "nigger" and such so we can pick the right crowd or will that be banned?


you can say what ever you want as long as that does not break the rules


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Holy shit, what an ugly and retarded buck broken nigger.


obsessed with bbc

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