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/B/ - Boredom

find some time to do something
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Open for business

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Hey admin, can you turn >>>/fur/ into an SFW board so i can bring my entire posse of (roughly 20) anthroposters to the site? Oh yeah and add IDs to the board too. Thanks bbg


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wolf don't do this


selfish furphobic chudcel who doesn't want to share above me


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Not interested in having a gaggle of furry basedteens here


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>not interested in having a live website


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go back to the nigger hell you came from, soislutta


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though this place would be dead if not for us


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i think im actually trans


link where you came from xista


Entirely fine with that
>>>/fur/ is just a recreation of trash and a experiment for when I get actual users (if that will ever happen)
I'm fine with the site being dead indefinitely just as long as it's not another basedsite


make it a furry only imageboard nobody's done that before afaik


and ban porn


Unicronicly thinking about adding stars as a ranking system for threads because it would be funny no one has done it and a interesting way to sort the catalog
Also no because I'm not a furry
nsfw is moved on this board


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>not being a furry


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>general threads


Just wish squirrel was up to help

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