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/B/ - Boredom

find some time to do something
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wolf will you make another shemmy archive since shemmy.org now reditects to shemmy.tv?


The redirect and the eventual giving of the domain to poly is the absolute end…. The people sending shit to me was most likely jakia or lane/dodder so hold nothing against poly other then the fact they kicked me out after I spent 200$ on the site


Now that I don't even host a archive I can consider myself absolutely clear of any and all things onions related
My former alter ego scar is dead


I regret not saving images from the archive


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Thank you for answering, wolf


Poly should also have the archive
I could do a image dump into the shemmy booru if that's still a thing


This nigga Typed his caphta into his name like a retard


Don't screenshot these fails


the booru is still a thing

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