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 No.1Sticky[Last 50 Posts]

qna thread
>why did you make this site?
after the dumb gay drama i had a very big deillision with soysites, i hold no ill will towards vadim or any of the other staff (other then poly fuck you) and id rather match forwards with a non soyrelated imageboard.
>did you hire [X] person
does not matter don't ask it
>can i still post soyjaks
>why is it tyler themed
idk i just wanted a jumping point for the site
>will i give the domain of shemmy.org to vadim
yes i actively DON'T want the domain and i have asked if he wants it (still waiting for the reply)






who the fuck is wolf


admin of this site, ex shemmy admin


incompetent autistic asperger faggot


why is the shemalie shutting down


dont post on my site then
i imagine because of some dumb inside drama. can't blame vadim for shutting it down


can you add /fur/


can you rape the nigger above me


sure but it will be a hidden board


shut this shithole down


also do you want the shemmy domain im not joking i dont want this shit



is soos dead


Maybe (more research needed) I have a pretty big staff for how little this site is used so it's ok that he doesn't want to mod here. It's better if you don't turn your hobby into your job


I think he just wants left alone so give him that


I bet it’s scar, only thing we directly know about him is that he’s someone who was involved with the soysphere at one point and took over the shemmy choosing to remain anonymous. He has reason to not reveal himself to the masses and just so happens to also have a number of the mannerisms.


can we kill him slowly and painfully instead


Does it matter who I am? I'm not doing the shadow admin shit


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are you the trr admin?


Nope. He is on the staff though


Forgot to log in


Kek, it's kino!


is TRR coming back


No only because I feel it's TOO soy related (you guys also did not do enough raids) I want a site that can actually raid other sites while not being tied to soyjaks at all


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>TRR is too soy related


Maybe if it didn't have /sharty/ board and did not exist as a boogie man
I'm not interested in terrorizing underage retards even if it's pretty funny


Whatever. I'm just happy the admin is on staff and I'm happy it's not the shitty.


splinter of a splinter of a splinter


add rizz pls thanks


not a splinter of anything


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Go back to the shemmy


are you willing to give it for free


Really heavily depends on who ends up owning soygem dot party
If it's not a colony fag I'll just give it to the owner but right now it's a archive


why did you hire 4 lolicons (lee and emma/business inquiries, soos, and another guy)


I never hired lee, I have no fucking idea where that guy is and I actually was the one who deleted his account from the shemmy (albeit at his request) he has been gone for actual months
Emma is not a lolicon I don't think, it is you have proof they did post lolicon and admitted to being a lolicon I will fire them, soos has been gone since October and I only got to speak to him last night in a cytube, even if I did hire him I dont believe he is a lolicon


Tldr is
Didn't hire lee
I don't believe Emma is a pedophile and if you have proof please post it
Soos also was never hired
And another guy is the worlds least specific thing you could of Said


dont lie nigger lee was sucking your dick days ago and said he was working with you + soos is 100% a mod here you lying nigger


vadim was right your suck


I would mod soos he was in a telegram chat last night and I was trying to get him


I was not logged in bruh


If lee was sucking my dick I didn't know about it
All I know is I have not talked to or seen him in forever
The only mods I have are people who were in the shemmy groupchat and lee and soos were not one of them


I don't think you will believe anything I say with how your acting but I wouldn't hire lee anyways because he was a part of a group that fucked with me


(Same reason hecken gemmy is removed and banned in sight for a while don't know if they are still doing that)


tl;dr i hire pedophiles and corders because im a lying faggot
vadim and poly won nigger


Posting this because I trust my staff not to have retarded passwords
Post proof emma is a pedophile and I'll ban them


If you don't post actual fucking proof I'm banning you for insisting I'm lying and being a nigger


White is lee from what i was told
Quote is a cp spammer
Fold is a lolicon
Emma grooms minors

only sane people you hired are yourselr and squirrel because idk who tf he is


hold on


>White is lee
If he is lee he is news to me
>Quote is a csam poster
News to me as well
>Fold is a lolicon
They never even logged in and they don't use the groupchat so I have no issue banning him
>Emma grooms miners
News to me


White is not lee I don't think btw
Mutt hired them a month ago and they left to go mod this site


ask mutt he'd confirm


Corman drex is hecken gemmy he would not be mod here if I got a million dollars to mod him here
I would ask mutt but he has been dodging me for like a week
What about the 3 others you brought up? Do you really just have a issue with emma


Like literally everyone else has a clean history


read the screenies with emma you dumb nigger stop dodging
and yes lee is white you're actively working with a lolicon just ask mutt


I also don't know if you can see the screenshot I sent you but no one cares about this site other than me and squirrel
No one logs in or does anything I can delete all the other accounts and nothing would change
Send me the proof white is lee


Don't just say ask mutt he has been ignoring me


Nigga where did you go???? Id like proof for the other people


lol dumb ahh


Not a question


responded to it anyway


I was informing you


he is not me


why is evaldas janny


????????????????????? Nigga who???????


Evaldas Valiulis at 39 Rhodes Place, Oldbrook, Milton Keynes MK6 2LT aka mud/quote


who likes spamming cp on rival websites


Pretty sure that's a fail dox
He just botted us with /bant/ and /QA/ threads. If he actually spammed csam (he didn't I would know) he would be off the team but as it is he helps my dev squirrel


Also because I think this will be the next question squirrel did not bring quote in himself I asked him for help myself


i never posted here and i dont have any affilation with anyone here whoever told you this lied to you


Lee or soos?


i dont know anyone who doxed you because i haven't interacted with those people since 2023




Hello lee
For some reason poly said I have a ton of pedophiles on my staff I think
Also why are you lurking this site you left forever ago


Not to imply your a pedophile people just believe that


poly is the real pedophile xhe's jacketing


i asked mutt for your telegram but he didnt respond and i was sent this thread by a friend whos still in the soysphere (specifically the shemmy)
im a minor


@Gooddeadsarealwsyspunished you can message me but I wouldn't come back if I were you people In this space are crazy (though this isn't a soy website
Id believe it. At the very least he is a fucking liar


Bug in mobile keeps on logging me out


poly goons to yotsuba


Poly is a bold face liar who used the fact that I changed what my name was here to lie about not having my dox and to send shit through door dash (even more crazy if a lie when you wipe my servers and leave a folder called "scar party" with my full dox in the folder)
The fucking insane amount of shit and lying they did only to find out no one gives a shit about this drama was kinda funny


are we allowed to catty wipe /B/


As long as it's not gore or NSFW have fun


Poly is a manipulative pedophile you need to drop his dox


I rather not get swatted by a self admitted cyber criminal


I had a real fear he would do this
It's why I didn't make shemmy org a new soysite


please modify the spam filter i can no longer post on /B/





thank you


he will do it anyway


I was a late Shemmy mod. Can I be a janny here? Raids sound fun.


Sure, post your email


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I made a telegram bunker for shemmy with manual vetting to prevent weirdos from entering. Emma tried to get in, i declined the request, he DMd me to let him in, i said i wasn’t gonna do that and blocked him. He then used an alt to send me the DM seen in pic 1.

Pic 2 isn’t mine but it speaks for itself

In pics 3 and 4 emma admits he didn’t delete a “very provacotive loli image”, when questioned why only response is a pepe reaction sticker.

https://archive.is/eryrf Here emma admits to being an “autopedophile”

https://archive.is/dWoVA Here emma states that there is nothing wrong with him being an “autopedophile”

https://archive.is/yFIOg This is a thread emma made, which you can tell from the tripcode


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Moreover, pic 1 is his current profile picture on telegram and pic 2 is yet another pedophilic statement from him


who is this person and are they from trr? i remember /weab/ being a board on trr but maybe you're talking about a different website.
>Posting throttled by filter.


This is TRR's admin




not sure what she went by on trr but she went by business inquirer when shilling trr on the shemmy and was one of the admins
albeit i dont think shes a pedophile just a mentally ill troon


is "she" a pooner or an mtf?



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i don't even know what to say anymore. i loved that website but i never knew about that admin.


emma is already off of the team


Crazy how Emma/ Business Inquirer hated Poly and called him a kike before becoming a pedonigger after TRR collapsed. How the tables turn…
Kek, it's kino!


which trr admin was this? i have a feeling i know but which one?


emma mogs poly in development tho


no idea. i really just paid them to do some dumb shit for me while i admined the shemmy and asked for their domain
it sucks because i try to be friendly and make friends with everyone in this space so it makes me upset when people turn out rotten. at least i have other devs


who are your other devs and how are they creditable


i know which one it is then


why are you referring to yourself in the third person


my main dev iv known for years and the other is my co admin squirrel
i trust squirrel and my main dev


okay what is being added


still working on the site themes (im trying to make one for every tyler album) and basically anything i come up with
working on trying to get a board with a intractable ai kinda like 420chan had


loged out bruhhhhh


what if the site gets botraped, any prevention?



I don’t know what you TRRsluttas called him, but on the shemmy he was namefagging as “business inquirer”, his telegram username was “truchanner” with “emma” as his display name.


i am genuinely so bummed about this shit i liked the business inquirer posts and i think we interacted on telegram once i think im in denial rn


None other than increasing the spam limit
I as always am more concerned that something personal will happen to me.
It just sucks because they were the quickest dev to implement what I asked for


I asked for a personal defense but they are kinda like a brick wall when taking to them.
Just hope they don't bring anything into the real world


every time you say something about the admin i keep rethinking which admin it might be.


why is the concentration of pedos in the basedsphere so high its like every other person goons to cp in discord/telegram gcs


It's one of the biggest reasons I wanted to leave for greener pastures


How do you plan to breath more life into this imageboard?


Make content around it when it's a little more developed and hopefully it grows naturally


Could you give me a rough estimate of when that'll be?


What's your Telegram?




Over the weekends is when I'll really try to raid because I won't have work but weekdays will be site development days I think


Thank you for telling him this is my telegram


Is that actually your telegram?


Yes @Gooddeadsarealwsyspunished is my telegram

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