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/wolf/ - wolfgang

site development and meta
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Wolf, I want to thank you for updating the rules page when you add a new rule. Already a better administration than froot. All I ask is that when you add a new rule, please make an announcement on /B/. Cheers to you, mate!


No issue. I don't think I should have to
Do you like how rules page looks? I set that up a while ago I think it looks nice


>No issue. I don't think I should have to
I don't understand what you mean by this
>Do you like how rules page looks? I set that up a while ago I think it looks nice
Looks pretty kino! Again, I really want to thank you for actively updating the rules page.


I should not have to change the rules


Well, could you please do it anyway? It would be a breath of fresh air to actually know what the rules of the imageboard I'm using are.


No as In the rules currently are bullet proof


So, when you add a new rule, are you going to update the rules page?



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