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/B/ - Boredom

find some time to do something
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Open for business


Welcome to the random board.
anything and everything that does not break the rules can be posted here
this site is still in development so anything that is broken will be fixed


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issues with the site or questions?
contact me at @Gooddeadsarealwsyspunished on telegram

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>be me
>have no ears
>can still hear
>go to store
>buy magnifying glass
>look in mirror with magnifying glass
>tiny ear
picture of me attached


Stick a needle in that shit

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opening /fur/ and making it sfw is the only way to save this site tbh


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wolf will you make another shemmy archive since shemmy.org now reditects to shemmy.tv?
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


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Thank you for answering, wolf


Poly should also have the archive
I could do a image dump into the shemmy booru if that's still a thing


This nigga Typed his caphta into his name like a retard


Don't screenshot these fails


the booru is still a thing

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hear me out


this the type of shit emma would post bruh


emma might have been a pedo but he still said a lot of right things. the TRVMP REICH is obviously in effect.

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bing bop boom boom boom bop bam


i still dont understand why they went crazy over that


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because they're niggers and it's kendrick lamar

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Wordle 1,341 3/6


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>Just realized i might be trans

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So /b/, what's your go-to manufacturer of BBC dildos?


Kek, it's get the fuck off my site fursoi


Can't find anything on it, is that a local shop?

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Hey admin, can you turn >>>/fur/ into an SFW board so i can bring my entire posse of (roughly 20) anthroposters to the site? Oh yeah and add IDs to the board too. Thanks bbg
14 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


and ban porn


Unicronicly thinking about adding stars as a ranking system for threads because it would be funny no one has done it and a interesting way to sort the catalog
Also no because I'm not a furry
nsfw is moved on this board


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>not being a furry


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>general threads


Just wish squirrel was up to help

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