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tyler the creator is a retarded nigger wtf is this site



if you came from the irc that isn't me
this is a site dedicated to raiding random imageboards and is not related to the KiwiFarms in anyway
we also have movie nights on friday


I came from the shemmy whilst browsing all onions alternatives>>5569


that is NOT what i typed.


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never once been on 'iwi'arms and i dont ever plan to, dnc for irrelevant foodist drama


can you link me what irc this is?
please look at >>>/wolf/ for more context


forgot to login =


>can you link me what irc this is?
It's so obvious that it's you. Tyler the Creator is a dumb fucking NIGGER. And everyone, who likes rap needs to be hanged.


yes, because no one in the history of ever has tried to slander other people by impersonating them online.


The only reason I know it is happening is because they messaged one of my mods
I wouldn't use the name scar anymore and I wouldn't shill using a KiwiFarms (I think that's what irc it is) because I don't want it to be a basedsite
Im already setting up Google adds I don't need to be the equivalent of a door to door sails men on the KiwiFarms discord lmao

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