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/B/ - Boredom

find some time to do something
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This cover was long overdue. I saved the lyrics back when they got posted in mid-October. I kept the "shemmy" theme out of respect for whoever made the parody- it probably came from a chinny user. Needless to say pretty ironic in retrospective. THOUGH we all knew both sites were gonna go up and vanish sooner than later.
Godspeed lol. I *obviously* recorded this in a single take just now, did not think about it too much and TBH it does not deserve much thought either.


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Good cover.
I'm still kinda erked that people blame me for the pedophile infestation and the redirect to the point where I want to start over again
I'll keep this thread up but don't use it as a basedsite please


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Thanks wulf.
I hope everyone finds what they're looking for.

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